We provide the infrastructure for creative people to release their work as collectible editions on their own and in small groups. Each release is a contained creative statement that can be owned and collected. Revenues from releases are seamlessly distributed and split among collaborators.
Some recent releases:
Sold-out artist edition and PDF editions of a new book by Brian Eno and Bette A., with funds benefiting two charities.
A constellation of internet stars make a cult book whose $60,000+ in earnings have been seamlessly distributed among collaborators using Metalabel's splits.
An essay, video, audio recording, and research notes packaged as a limited edition.zip file for $5 or pay what you want. $1,000+ in sales for a digital-only drop.
A conceptual artist turns literal NYC garbage into $100 glass-cube collectibles. Entire collection sold out in less than an hour.
We structured Metalabel to align with the artists, creators, and collectors who use it. We charge a simple 10% commission on each purchase through our platform. This sustains our infrastructure while ensuring creators keep the majority of value they create. There's no cost to building or maintaining your catalogue of work with Metalabel or releasing something for free. Artists and creators always keep ownership and rights to their work.
Since opening our doors in 2024, there have been:
500+ creators
250+ releases
10,000+ collectors
$450,000+ in creator earnings
Multiple releases with 1,000+ collectors
50% of creators with multiple releases
Seven collaborators around the world cofounded Metalabel in 2021-2022. Here's our founding story, as told by Yancey Strickler:
Metalabel started because I felt lonely as a creative person. I was leading a community, creating lots of content, and doing what I wanted. But I often felt isolated and unhappy doing it. I wanted creative peers but didn’t know how or where to find them.
Then one day I re-read the book “Our Band Could Be Your Life,” which tells the origin stories of punk and hardcore bands. Rather than wait for someone else to legitimize them, these bands legitimized themselves by starting their own labels, putting themselves out, and ultimately making scenes and something bigger than just them on their own.
I was also reading about the history of the Royal Society, a group of peers that literally created modern science starting in 1660 by publishing zines and funding each other’s projects. Like an indie label, but for science.
I suddenly realized a way for creative people to be part of something bigger than them had been around for literally centuries: the model of the grassroots label, but for any form of creative output. In my notes I called this larger structure a "metalabel."
In the months following, a small group of collaborators organically came together around this shared vision. Using the exact same model we had re-discovered, we began to release work that expressed the world we wanted to see: manifestos, zines, experiences, new ideas. Including the website you're visiting right now.
We want a world where creative people are more than stars — they're parts of larger constellations that have real power and agency of their own. As individuals our powers are limited. In groups we become stronger.
Metalabel was cofounded by Yancey Strickler, Rob Kalin, Ilya Yudanov, Austin Robey, Anna Bulbrook, Lauren Dorman, and Brandon Valosek
Metalabel exists to help people create and share value together. These ideas drive this project:
For general questions: hello@metalabel.com
For technical questions or brainstorming support: help@metalabel.com
Follow the updates: @metalabel__
Follow and go deeper: Our lore
We're building something new and meaningful. If you're interested in creating work that matters, we'd love to hear from you.