*ENDLESSITY* 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕝𝕞

Here is a re:re:reality ~ This is the film - ENDLESSITY. Set in no-place 2 empty_world_empty_ai_fantasy_world of L00bi’s pixelated dreams. Thisss one is heaven. This one is ethereality limbo dissolve. L00bi’s aching emptiness is no longer scattered - she knows what she wants(!) How to become nothing |-|3|_|>, my friend, let me go |-|0//\3.

Everyone Is A GirlEveryone Is A Girl


Everyone Is A Girl and 3 others

FANDOM is a communal publication which features critical and experimental short-form responses to the theme of fandom from a variety of upcoming writers and artists.

Network ArchivesNetwork Archives
Network Archives 001: A Directory of Inspiration

Network Archives 001: A Directory of Inspiration

Sound of Fractures and 44 others

Network Archives 001: A Directory of Inspiration, is the inaugural drop from the Network Archives label. This release is a curated collection of creative experiments, writings, and reflections by a diverse community of creators, listeners, thinkers and collectors from around the globe drawn together through a love of music.

Sold out
Whoa, Vol. 1

Whoa, Vol. 1

Sari and 3 others

Whoa, Vol. 1 – Conversations To Make You Feel Human

A limited edition print publication of 100 copies exclusively sold at Metalabel (for American collectors), and an unlimited digital edition worldwide.

Also included: private podcast and YouTube feeds of each unedited conversation.

By Sublime and Printernet.

culture therapyculture therapy


Juliyen Davis and 6 others

An interactive zine illuminating the healing power of art and creativity, powered by culture therapy.

Open SecretOpen Secret
Open Secret Zine

Open Secret Zine

Declan Colquitt and 8 others

A collection of essays and images building on the themes and provocations made throughout works featured in Open Secret, a rolling series of screenings of internet cinema curated by Dana Dawud. The zine has been released in conjunction with the UK premiere of Open Secret and was designed and edited by Y7, a duo of post-disciplinary artists.

Eternal SeedsEternal Seeds


BElite Collective and 12 others


Witness the processes of young black creatives

Edited by Camron Irvin and Cierra Wyche Artwork curated by the ‘BElite’ Art Collective Made possible by Eternal Seeds

The Worst GenerationThe Worst Generation
The Worst Generation Master Collection

The Worst Generation Master Collection

Black Dave MK2 and 5 others

The Worst Generation Master Collection is an in-depth library of over 250 songs and 5 music videos featuring members Black Dave, Illadell, Kaizër, Martin Grooms, MJX, and Yung Half Dead.

Hard ArtHard Art
Drawn Without Looking

Drawn Without Looking

Charlie Waterhouse and 8 others

A book of 100 portraits of and by Hard Artists, each drawn without looking – and coloured in by Ian Bruce (who was). It is raising funds for the Hard Art kitty so we can cause better mischief.

Bypassing The Invisible Hand

Bypassing The Invisible Hand

Agalia and 23 others

A collaborative zine that brings together 23 creators from around the world to share their aspirations for a future where creativity is liberated
