By Richard Turley
Collector #11
#### 418 page book, each sold with a unique inkjet print from the issue --------------- Houllebecq. Vogue. 2011 Emo Facebook posts. Engrish. Jenny Holzer. Imperatives. Hal Fischer. Uniqlo. Running in a nightmare. Tone shifts. Détournement. Hijacking. Hiding. Curating the audience. The plot inside your head.
By Yancey Strickler and 2 others
Collector #53
A series of reflections from my (Yancey's) creative experiences expressed as a written essay (the A-side) and video essay (the B-side)
By Caroline M. Ballegaard and 16 others
Collector #46
## The Autonomous Worlds Network’s first publication offers a new vocabulary for a new era of worlding.
By Yancey Strickler and 2 others
Collector #236
An exploration of individuality after the internet The Post-Individual First Edition includes "The Post Individual" essay, an audio recording and video introduction by the author, and research notes behind the piece
By Joshua Citarella
Collector #106
Class Fantasy is an action RPG card game that pairs fantasy character classes with political ideologies. The game accommodates 2 - 12 players. Your goal is to defeat other characters in battle and achieve utopia.
By Yancey Strickler and 10 others
Collector #60
A book about how to survive on the internet. It’s about the cozy web, the dark web, the dark forest, the clear net, the dark net, and a new social world emerging around us. This is the Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet.