By Yancey Strickler and 2 others
Collector #39
A wider view of our self-interest. Now Me, Future Me. Now Us, Future Us. A model for a deeper form of living. BEyond Near Term Orientation: Bentoism.
By Yancey Strickler and 8 others
Collector #83
Collect the original essay, ideas, and research that inspired Metalabel, including: — Unpublished research and thinking from May 2021 — The initial manifesto, first published in February 2022 — Further research, first published in October 2022 Preserved and collectible as a new media archive for the first time
By Yancey Strickler
Collector #85
A trilogy of essays published from 2019 through 2021 that explores why I and others feel less comfortable showing our true selves online. Reissued here with the original piece, two follow-up essays, and a podcast conversation with The Stoa exploring the concept.
By Jourden
Collector #39
A girl travels to Copenhagen to retrieve mysterious black market death pills.