Felix Ng

Joined Metalabel 06/12/2024

Co-Founder, Anonymous / ADC Young Guns 9

Felix Ng has contributed to...
Bracket Vol. 06: Change (Digital Edition)


Bracket is a publication that features everything in between: ideas, voices and processes that are overlooked and under-appreciated. Each contributor is sent a questionnaire on which they handwrite their answers or customise however they want. In this latest issue, 15 thinkers and makers are surveyed on the topic of Change. How we can get unstuck.

水 shuǐ book


水 shuǐ book

By Felix Ng and 2 others


水 (shuǐ) is an illustrated book on water. It offers a collection of fresh ideas and perspectives through which to experience and imagine this common and commonly overlooked substance.

木 mù book


木 mù book

By Felix Ng and 2 others


Mù is a collection of tales and stories inspired by Wood. Objects, places, and ideas expected and unexpected appear in this genre-bending, free-branching compilation. Illustrated with 15 original artworks and typography that takes wordplay to new heights, Mù is a beautifully crafted book filled with wit and wonder.