Joined Metalabel 10/29/2024


By Lavisha Jain

Collector #2

Art is subjective, varies person to person and is made up by various elements. It is said beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. Art core represents that perspective in a unique, self-reflective manner and can be perceived vividly by the recipients.

Network Archives
Network Archives 001: A Directory of Inspiration

Network Archives 001: A Directory of Inspiration

By Sound of Fractures and 43 others

Collector #70

Network Archives 001: A Directory of Inspiration, is the inaugural drop from the Network Archives label. This release is a curated collection of creative experiments, writings, and reflections by a diverse community of creators, listeners, thinkers and collectors from around the globe drawn together through a love of music.

Surfing with Satoshi

Surfing with Satoshi

By Janez and 2 others

Collector #2

Art, Blockchain and NFTs

Whoa, Vol. 1

Whoa, Vol. 1

By Sari and 3 others

Collector #5

Whoa, Vol. 1 – Conversations To Make You Feel Human A limited edition print publication of 100 copies exclusively sold at Metalabel (for American collectors), and an unlimited digital edition worldwide. Also included: private podcast and YouTube feeds of each unedited conversation. By Sublime and Printernet.