Bruno Völm

Joined Metalabel 01/18/2025
Elysian Collective


By Elle Griffin, Bryce Tolpen and 5 more

Collector #41

Seven writers explore the future of autonomous governance.

The Mothership
Observations Issue 01 - A Gulf Contemporary: The Forefront of International Art

Collector #8

An independent culture report on the Middle East contemporary art scene. This issue provides a snapshot of the Gulf art scene through the lens of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. We look back over the last 15 years to make sense of the defining trends that are shaping the sector highlighting local artists and grassroots programming.

Cuentos cortos con sonido
10 - Trip to a small mountain

Collector #1

The 10th release of cuentos cortos con sonido. A bit different, with real videos. And i think it's the last of this label (So new things will be released at another label ). Focus is the music, maybe the fitting 'short story' is the history of this label and its releases. I'm pretty proud of this release :-)

Avi Solomon
Book of Creativity

Book of Creativity

By Avi Solomon

Collector #1

Free PDF of my English translation of Sefer Yesira, an ancient Hebrew mystical text that first promulgated the concept of combinatorial creativity.

Pierce Day

Collector #66

A Phone of the Artist as a Young Man is a dizzying descent into digital madness, where one man's screen addiction and artistic ambitions collide in a genre-bending exploration of love, technology, and the disintegration of the modern mind. It's the first ever long-form screenshot.

Metalabel Squad
Anonymous Creative Futures Report

Anonymous Creative Futures Report

By Rayna, Ilya and 4 more

Collector #55

Where are we now as creative people? Where are we going? What do we vision for the future? 75 creative people anonymously share the dreams, concerns, and joys grounding their creative thinking for the year ahead.

Designheads DIY

Designheads DIY

By Juliyen Davis, Ally Zhu and 6 more

Collector #31

Designheads DIY is a "Furniture Recipe Book", containing instructions for making shelves, chairs, lamps and other objects from some of the world’s best designers.

The Dark Forest Collective
The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet (Digital Edition)

The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet (Digital Edition)

By Yancey Strickler, Caroline Busta and 5 more

Collector #94

A book about the cozy web, the dark web, the dark forest, the clear net, the dark net, and a new world emerging around us. This is The DIGTAL Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet.

The Ideaspace by Yancey Strickler


By Yancey Strickler, Laurel Schwulst and 1 more

Collector #20

A wider view of our self-interest. Now Me, Future Me. Now Us, Future Us. A model for a deeper form of living. BEyond Near Term Orientation: Bentoism.