By Yancey Strickler
Collector #34
Since 2017, the Ideaspace has been my outlet for exploring creative forms and sharing ideas. This release shares audio of four of my favorite interviews — with artist Hank Willis Thomas, economist Marianna Mazucato, and authors John Higgs and Eric Wargo — in a free .zip download.
By Elle Griffin and 6 others
Collector #3
Seven writers explore the future of autonomous governance.
By IS NOT MUSIC. and 4 others
Collector #9
Is Not Music is a multi-platform project that creates, contextualizes, explores and archives work from artists. We work in physical & digital formats while making sure to privilege the former (IRL experience) over the latter (AI slop, social media & other algorithmic-driven popularity contests).
By Sophie Cowen and 2 others
Collector #96
Hard Imagination invites Venture Capitalists to see a world beyond an extractive mindset, to create pathways for capital allocation that are not self-terminating Limited run of 23 bound copies or download the PDF for free
By Yancey Strickler and 3 others
Collector #53
In June 2023, Metalabel put a yellow newspaper box on the street of the Lower East Side in NYC, and filled it up each day with copies of a free zine that celebrated a New Creative Era. This release documents that original release and makes the zine available for download. Join us!
By Rayna and 5 others
Collector #580
Where are we now as creative people? Where are we going? What do we vision for the future? 75 creative people anonymously share the dreams, concerns, and joys grounding their creative thinking for the year ahead.