Creative Director; Artist; Founder of Sovereign Objects
By Rayna and 5 others
Collector #16
Where are we now as creative people? Where are we going? What do we vision for the future? 75 creative people anonymously share the dreams, concerns, and joys grounding their creative thinking for the year ahead.
By Nolen Strals x Soft Labor
Collector #6
AMoM is a t-shirt—a detournement of sorts—and a send-up of MoMA’s iconic logo, found splashed across a wide array of souvenir objects including streetwear spotted around NYC and beyond. 100% of the proceeds generated by the AMoM release will directly benefit artists and art workers impacted by the LA fires.
By Yancey Strickler and 10 others
Collector #140
A book about how to survive on the internet. It’s about the cozy web, the dark web, the dark forest, the clear net, the dark net, and a new social world emerging around us. This is the Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet.